The story of the Arvind Mafatlal Group is a stirring saga, with traditional values and modern technology triumphing over challenging circumstances. Our founder Mr. Gagalbhai Mafatlal, was born in 1873 in Ahmedabad. His father, a weaver, was neither educated nor prosperous, and made a living by doing odd jobs. It wasn’t long before a young Mafatlal, still in his early teens, had to leave school to help his father peddle textile products. With goods hanging from their shoulders, both father and son would scour the countryside in search of buyers. Some of these very buyers proved to be Mr. Mafatlal’s benefactors in later years, when he metamorphosed into an industrialist, and lay the foundation for Mafatlal Industries. Under his leadership, the company expanded one textile mill at a time, to eventually make significant achievements across a century of existence.